Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Where is my RA??

Between finals and moving out, life has been crazy busy for me the last several days. Last night, my mom and my brother drove up to campus to help me move out my stuff. Now my room is basically empty, with the exception of the few things I needed overnight and today. I had a form slipped under my door one day telling me that I needed to schedule a check-out inventory with my RA before I leave. Sounds easy enough, right? Turns out, it's not so easy. I have gone to her room and answer. I put a not under her door yesterday morning...still nothing. Everytime I look down the hall to see if her light is, it's off. And, I realized that I don't think I have seen her car recently. Hmmmmm. So, I would schedule my check-out with my Resident Assistant.....IF I could find her! Can't I just hand my keys to someone and go home?! Do they really think I'm going to walk out of here with the desk, or maybe a mattress?? No, I'm not. I just so desperately want to go home.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

History final exam

In my last post, I mentioned an issue with the final in my History class. Allow me to explain what the problem was....

Tuesday April 8th: Class cancelled
Thursday April 10th: Class cancelled
Tuesday April 15th: Class scheduled to meet, but upon arriving to the room, I find out that a conference is being held in our classroom. My professor shows up at 12:57 p.m. to about 20 of us students standing in the hallway. Class is supposed to start at 1:03 p.m., she dismisses us because she doesn't want to wait for the people borrowing our room to be done.
Thursday April 17th: Class meets
Tuesday April 22nd: Class cancelled because my professor is sick
Today April 24th: Class meets for 10 which she takes over half of the material for the final off of the study guide. Yay!

So, it all turned out ok in the end. And since I am definitely not a fan of the class, I didn't mind having 4 classes cancelled. However, I would have been pissed if the material we hadn't actually been able to cover was still on the final. Thank goodness school is almost over.

Wrapping things up around here

The semester is coming to a close, and I must say that this coming summer just might be the best one ever. I am looking forward to it like you would not believe. In summers past, I have done a few cool things here and there, but nothing incredibly know like basically living in a foreign country for 6 weeks. However, I have decided to make the most out of this summer. As all of these exciting plans float around in my head, I am also trying to figure out where to start packing. I have to (or should I say: GET TO) move out of my dorm next week. Oba!!! (That means "yay!") As of right now, I'm planning on moving everything out on Tuesday evening. I am just going to keep enough stuff here for an overnight stay Tuesday night; which I will take home with me on Wednesday afternoon. Then I will have to drive back up on Thursday afternoon for my History final...Dear God, please just let my professor change it! (I will explain why later today.) And after Thursday, I will be done!!!! Over the past several months, I have accumulated a lot of junk here in my dorm, and it is going to be a pain to pack it all up again. But! I will be glad to be back home :)

Monday, April 21, 2008

The vet clinic

This past weekend, I put some hours in at a vet clinic near my house. (I have to get in 20 hours for my Small Animal Medicine class.) Friday afternoon was really slow....Saturday, on the other hand, was pretty steady. I went in at 7:30 a.m., and I was supposed to get off at 12:00. I ended up having to stay an hour and a half later because we had a very sick cat. After doing x-rays, and blood work, we still didn't know what was wrong with her. But, anyway, I'm really enjoying my time there. I'm going to work this afternoon, and I'm actually looking forward to it. The manager of the practice told me if I wanted to work there in the future, that would be a possibility. Of course, I am going to be super busy this summer...and GONE for 6 weeks! But, I would love to work there in the fall when school starts back. Spending some time in a clinic is kinda confirming that I made a good decision concerning college and my major...which is always a good thing.

Monday, April 14, 2008

I'm cold

After enjoying about a week of weather in the 65-70 degree range, I got quite used to the warmth. Yesterday, it was in the 50's. Today it was 44. I am NOT ok with this. Allow me to remind anyone who has's APRIL. It shouldn't be 44 degrees in the middle of April. And, to make it worse, my dorm building has been switched from heat to air, and even if I turn the knob to heat on the unit in my room, cold air still comes out. So it's freakishly cold in here. Last night, I slept in sweatpants and a hoodie, and I still woke up shaking from the cold. Not cool. (no pun intended)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Lack of Motivation

As the semester winds down, I find myself with several assignments that are waiting to be completed. I actually was ahead of the game with my Animal Anatomy and Physiology class...I already did two assignments that aren't even due until next week. But, the big issue is my History paper. It's no secret...I hate my History class. Mainly because I don't know how the Ottoman empire of the 1500's will help me give vaccinations to a dog, or assist in cat castrations. But, nontheless, LMU feels it is necessary for my degree. My paper is due Tuesday, and considering I pretty much bombed the last test, I understand that I really need to do well on this paper. The problem?? It's simple really....I can't make myself start writing it. I did a little bit of organizing with my information for the paper, but that's it. I haven't even started the first sentence. Oh the joys of college.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


This morning I was walking up the steps to my dorm, while talking to my mom on my cell phone. As I got to the top step, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed something brown on the outside wall of the building by the door. At first, I thought it was a hornet nest or something like that. Then I looked a little closer. Much to my surprise, it was not a nest of any kind, but a bat. Not only do bats kinda creep me out a little, but since I have acquired some knowledge in the veterinary medical field....I now hate bats. Keep in mind, I am still on the phone with my mom, and I'm fumbling with my keys; frantically searching for the one that fits the door. During this whole ordeal, I was mumbling and making little screams at the volume of a whisper. Allow me to explain why...Here is a little piece of information for you if you don't already know: Bats carry rabies. (You probably know that much.) They carry a different strain of rabies than dogs, cats, horses, raccoons, etc. If you were to walk in a bat cave, which was inhabited by bats infected with could become infected with the disease simply by breathing the air in the cave. The particular strain carried by bats is aerosolized in the cave. Pretty freaky, huh? Also, if you were to walk into an area and unexpectedly find bats, you should never scream. Noise will invite an attack from a rabid bat. And yes, bites will infect you with rabies also. This is why I was trying not to make a lot of noise...even though I was pretty freaked out. I have never been that close to a bat, and I have no desire to ever again. This afternoon, when I left campus, it was still there. Unfortunately. Since I am spending tonight in Knoxvegas, I am really hoping the bat will be gone when I return in the morning. Cross your fingers. And pray. And even do a little dance if you think it will help.